With: Alessandro Baschera and Rebecca Vassallo from DRD Associati (Masterplan), Arch. Shirly Mantin (landscape architecture), Davide Ratti (graphics) | June 2013 | Competition The area is enclosed between the southern border of the city and the Chiaravalle Abbey: it has the potential to act as a hinge between a very dense urban area and a beautiful piece of agricultural landscape, …
With: Arch. Carlo Chiavi | Feb 2013 | Competition La proposta progettuale che qui viene presentata può essere intesa come una cerniera, una porta ed un paesaggio della memoria. Cerniera perché il progetto ha come ruolo quello di collegare fra di loro la nuova stazione, il polo direzionale e commerciale, la vecchia stazione trasformata in museo ed il centro storico …
With: G. Consonni* | Jan 2010 – Mar 2011 | MA Thesis One of the biggest Italian steel industries, the “Falck” closed down in the Nineties, leaving a 140-hectares area in Sesto San Giovanni – a former industrial city in the outskirts of Milan – empty. The urban masterplan presented here – including dwellings for 12.000 people, offices, parks and …
With: G. Barazzetta*, S. Pierini* and other students | Jul 2009 | Workshop The result of a ten-days workshop organized by Firenze, Milano and Madrid universities, tackling the concept of “social housing” on the area of Borgo San Frediano, in Firenze. Our group designed a a kind of linear urban module, conceived as a response to both the specific needs …