MO.ME.MA – Mostra Memorie del Magra
2021 | Bicocca Starting Grant “Memorie della terra, memorie delle persone: alluvioni, clima e società alla foce del Magra” | Completed
2021 | Bicocca Starting Grant “Memorie della terra, memorie delle persone: alluvioni, clima e società alla foce del Magra” | Completed
2020-2021 | Progettisti Associati Tecnarc, completed
2020 | Acoma Review, completed
2018 | Broggi & Infuso Architettura, completed
With Florencia Andreola | May 2015 | for Gizmo We developed the entire communication and graphic concept for the events (conferences, exhibition and artistic installation) that Gizmo organized for its first ten years of activity.
With Florencia Andreola | 2015 | Commission for Hoepli Publisher, Milan Link to the book in which the maps are published: Hoepli website The goal was to obtain eye-candy, clean, easy-to-use and up to date maps for the guide readers’ everyday use. This was achieved through a fine and complex re-drawing of several Milan city maps.
With Orsina Simona Pierini | 11-27 Feb 2015 | Exhibition design The exhibition was organized at Milan Politecnico (Faculty of Architecture), and displayed the boards made by the “Details – Architecture seen in section” research group and by the architecture offices who participated to the project. Mauro Sullam was part of the research group, together with my PhD supervisor Prof. …
2014-ongoing | Website design and maintenance Website for the research project “Details – Architecture seen in section”. Link to the website
Acoma review covers From 2012 | Cover design Ácoma. Rivista internazionale di studi nordamericani. Pubblicazione semestrale fondata nel 1994 da Bruno Cartosio e Alessandro Portelli. – Copertina n. 3 – 2012: “L’america nelle sue serie TV” – Copertina n. 5 – 2013: “Green Studies” – Copertina n. 7 – 2014: “Città d’America”
May 2012 | Graphics for the event The graphic concept was to create a urban map which contains the three symbols of islamic, jewish and christian religions, whose shapes are suggested by streets, buildings and rivers. This concept suited well with the subject of the seminar, which was “Religions and the public space”.